Quillix Capture software requires a license file. A Capture license file contains information about the number and type of licenses purchased. Licenses are managed in Quillix Capture from the License Management panel in the Capture Process Manager.
If you do not have a Quillix Capture License File, contact Prevalent Software or your authorized Quillix vendor to obtain one before proceeding.
Quillix Capture Licenses are managed in the Quillix Capture Process Manager from the License Management panel.
Figure 1 - License Management Panel
To import a license file, click on the Import License File button on the toolbar in the License Management panel. Choose your License File from the dialog and click Open. A list of registered products and expiration dates (if applicable) will be displayed in the Registered Licenses sidebar upon successful import of a valid Quillix Capture license file.
Quillix Capture 5 license files have an extension of .pl5. Previous versions of Capture license files will not work with Quillix Capture 5.
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