Queue Filtering

Queue Filtering provides a way to reduce the number of items presented to a user working a queue by applying a set of criteria by which the resulting cases are "filtered".

Filter By Owner

The Filter By Owner property of a Quillix Queue allows a queue to display a subset of its cases based on the User ID of the currently logged-in user.  When this property is set, the Quillix Client application will display only the cases in the queue for which the Owner property of the case matches the User ID of the currently logged-in user, or those cases for which the Owner property is blank.

How the Case Owner Property Is Set

The Case Owner property may be set in a number of ways.

  1. Scanning/Importing a New Batch - When a user scans or imports a new batch using the Quillix Client, their User ID will automatically be assigned to the Owner property of the case containing the new batch.  Any document level case created from the batch will also have the Owner property set to the User ID of the scanning/importing user.

  2. QSX Modules - The Owner property of a case may be set programatically from a Quillix Input or Processing QSX.  An example of this would be specialized Input QSX modules that work with Multi-Function Devices.

Application of the Filter By Owner Feature

The application of the Filter By Owner feature of Quillix can solve many business process issues.  One high-value example is when a centralized scan/input kiosk or Multi-function Device is being utilized.  In this scenario, users may walk up to the station or device, log in using their Quillix or Active Directory user credentials, and then scan one or more batches.  Upon returning to their desk, their scanned batches may be viewed and worked only by them in queues with Filter By Owner enabled.