Optional FAXCOM Index Mapping

The FAXCOM Server collects information for every fax it receives. The information Quillix Fax for Biscom FAXCOM captures will be initially stored in the Quillix Batch as a batch-level index value. To pass that value into a document index field during batch processing, the Quillix Document Type used to classify the fax as a document must include Document Index Fields with the same names. Use the table below to learn the correct Document Type field name required to capture that data as a document index and a brief description of the data.

Quick Reference — Fax Information Captured From FAXCOM

Quillix Batch-Level Index Name



This is the phone number associated with the fax sender. Alternately, this information is also saved in the "ANI" (Automatic Number Identification) batch index.


This direct inward dial (DID) number is the extension the remote fax device used the send the fax.


This is the number given to a fax once the FAXCOM server receives it.


This batch index returns the number of pages transmitted in the fax. Alternately, this information is also saved in the "NUMPAGES" batch index.


This is the full path to the original fax image that Quillix Fax captured from the fax mailbox.


This is the port number on the FAXCOM Server through which a fax was received.


This batch index returns the date and time a fax was received by the fax server. Alternately, this information is also saved in the "FAX_DATETIME" batch index.


A StatusName of "OK" represents a status value of "0." Whereas, status "RDIS" represents a status value of "52." Refer to the FAXCOM documentation for more information.


This batch index returns either "OK" if the fax was received correctly or another status value indicating an error. For instance, "RDIS" would indicate a remote disconnect error. Alternately, this information is also saved in the "FAX_STATUS" batch index.


This text accompanies the StatusName value.