Note: Versions 5.5 and 5.6 are the only supported versions of MySQL.
If the above prerequisites have been met, obtain the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit Installer from Prevalent or your Authorized Quillix Vendor and run on the target computer. The Quillix Capture Installer will give you the option of installing the following components associated with Quillix Capture:
Select the components that are appropriate for your particular installation and proceed.
If you are installing Quillix Web, you will be prompted for the location in which to copy the Quillix Web Site files. This is considered the Web Storage Directory. The default directory is \Inetpub\Quillix, where \Inetpub is the default folder created by Microsoft IIS. This folder can be any folder that the Web Server has the ability to access.
The Quillix Capture Installer will launch separate database and web configuration utilities while running. The database configuration utility will prompt for the name of the ODBC DSN created earlier, and will create the IIS Application and Application Pool needed for Quillix Web. The IIS Application (the web site) will be named as requested, but defaults to Quillix. The Application Pool is always named QCaptureAppPool.
It is possible to use Windows Authentication for this connection, but the Quillix Server service account and the IIS Application Pool identity will then require an account that is authorized to access the SQL Database Server. The Application's anonymous user account may also need to be set to use the Application Pool's identity.
Important! During the installation you will be prompted for a Login and Password for the Administrative User. Make sure you make a note of these, as you will not be able to login to the Quillix Process Manager without them.
Once the Installer has completed installation on the target computer, you can login to the Quillix Process Manager as the Administrative User to begin configuring your Quillix Capture System:
Process Manager Next Steps